
AG #3 In Like a Lion, Out Like A... [fill in the blank]

Mark your calendars for Art Gumbo Soup Dinner #3
Thursday, March 24, 6-8 p.m.
Dubuque Museum of Art, 701 S. Locust Street
Organic Soup & Bread by The Food Store, 11th & Iowa Street
Special Guest: AG December Winner Tim Olson will discuss his project's progress
Your hosts: Doug & Dona Schleiser
As always, grab your tenners, & your homies & git yer art on!


March 2011 Mini Grant Instructions & Application

MARCH 2011
Application Due: Tuesday, March 22, 11:59 p.m.
Event Date: Thursday, March 24, 6-8 p.m.
Event Location: Dubuque Museum of Art, 701 S. Locust Street
Submit Application via email to: art.gumbo.dbq@gmail.com
ELIGIBILTY: Individual artists or arts groups whose project will impact the Dubuque community.
HOW IT WORKS: Artists submit a brief proposal of their project. Submitted projects will be combined into a packet. The public attends the Art Gumbo Soup Dinner, they pay $10 to get in, and this money goes into the Art Gumbo Fund for the night. The attendees enjoy the soup, review the packet of proposals, and vote for their favorite. The proposal with the most votes will be awarded the Art Gumbo Fund proceeds for that night.
FINAL REPORT: The winning artist (or arts group) will be invited to the next Art Gumbo Soup Dinner to present a progress (or final) report.
HOW TO APPLY: Those who wish to submit their project for funding consideration can apply via email by completing the application questions below. All submissions should be attached as word documents or documents compatible with Microsoft word.  Limit your application narrative to 1000 words (approximately 2 pages). 
MARCH 2011
Application Due: Tuesday, March 22, 11:59 p.m.
Event Date: Thursday, March 24, 6-8 p.m.
Event Location: Dubuque Museum of Art, 701 S. Locust Street
Submit Application via email to: art.gumbo.dbq@gmail.com
Include the following information on each page.
Project Name:

1. Describe the artistic project an Art Gumbo Grant would help you accomplish:

2. Tell us about yourself and what led you to your current creative goals:

3. Tell us about a previous project of yours, what were your challenges and successes?

4. Discuss the impact your proposed project will have on the Dubuque community:

Limit your application narrative to 1000 words (approximately 2 pages). 

For more information, contact Paula Neuhaus or Megan Starr at art.gumbo.dbq@gmail.com


The March 24 event includes soup by The Food Store and is hosted by Dubuque Museum of Art, with a project update from December AG winner, artist Tim Olson.