
That's a Wrap!

Good Night, Dubuque!
After 4 years of soup dinners, funding 24 projects, raising $11,685, building an all-arts network, putting money behind projects that needed a little faith, and slurping soup, we're closing our doors.

Art Gumbo Dubuque 2010-2014
Pride & Gratitude
We have much to be proud of in our little river town. Together we contributed to the  cultivation of one of the most vibrant arts communities in Iowa. None of this was possible without each of you who showed up, put your money in the pool, bought a bowl, carried tables, donated; copies, spoons, time, tech, venues, soup, signage, and loaned us your 501 (c) (3) status when we needed funding. We are a WE because of YOU.

We set some gorgeous tables.

From the inspiration of Art Gumbo, and its soup network across the nation, Madison Soup was born. Iowa's Poet Laureate Mary Swander founded AgArts based on our model, Emergence of Spirit founder Michele Chillook credits AG with her courage to found her project and inspired others to follow her innovation. We won an IMPACT award in our inaugural year, secured a Mediacom Arts & Culture Grant to launch our bowls project, and landed in Phonebook 3, a directory of alternative arts spaces across the nation. We did good work.

YOU filled them with YES!
Need Funding?
Fear not! The City of Dubuque has created a funding stream for cultural vibrancy that does not require a 501 (c) (3) status. Check out Sustainable Dubuque's funding cycle.

Megan Starr and Paula Neuhaus continue to create, promote, and breathe life into our community. We're still here. We're just wearing different hats. Keep the fires burning, kids. We're counting on YOU.

Megan Starr with artist Rich Rossignol: Washington Neighborhood Street Mural
Paula Neuhaus with artist Tim Olson: DubuqueFest Panorama

That's all folks!

FYI: Since it's launch in 2010 Art Gumbo has funded 24 projects with $11, 685.