
AG# 9 Recap: Livin' the Dream!

We celebrated AG's birthday (we turned 2!) by returning to our birthplace at Voices Warehouse Gallery and raising $1,540 (154 patron votes)! We slurped soup from Dubuque Food Coop with bread by East Mill Bakeshop & Catering and cupcakes by All Things Sweet donated by Dolphin Custom Cabinets. Happy Birthday to us!

Congratulations to our September Winners:
1. Bell Tower Theater won $1,078 to help fund their “Free Summer Musical Program: HS Edition"

Miki Robinson (L) of Bell Tower Theater accepts cash & pottery from Hune Winner Ken Bichell & AG Host Megan Starr.

2. Nash Gallery won $462 to help fund their "Emerging Artists’ Fall Exhibition". 

Ian Loar of Nash Gallery accepts seed money from AG Host Megan Starr.

3. YOU for attending the event and making this happen!

Serious patrons invest in our art community!

Generous patrons!

4. AG Bowls Project sold 37 bowls and earned $555! This $$$ will commission potters to create more bowls = Win-win! (Thanks for the arts and culture grant Mediacom!)

Purchase YOUR own Art Gumbo Bowl & BYO Table Service to each event! Project funded by Mediacom A&C Grant.

5. June winner Ken Bichell provided an update on his Community Kiln Project.
Potter Ken Bichell & his plans to build a kiln!

6. Dubuque Food Coop sold memberships and Green Dubuque registered voters! AKA: We all win!
Raki Giannakouros (L) of Green Dubuque & Jamie Ellerie (R) of Dubuque Food Coop inform!
This community-supported funding project is created for YOU to help enrich the Dubuque community through funding creative ideas. AG is volunteer-driven & patron-supported. Join us on December 27 at St. Mark Community Center for our next funding cycle!

Since AG's launch in 2010 we've funded 14 project raising $7,710 for creativity in our community.Yes!


AG #9 Proposals are In! Art Gumbo Bowls Unveiled!

Join us this week for AG #9! Review or download proposals below.

When & Where?
Thursday | Sept 20| 6-8 p.m.
Voices Warehouse Gallery, 10th & Jackson Streets
$10 (goes to the winning art projects)

Soup Du Jour?

Creative Proposals By Groups or Organizations:
  • MIKI ROBINSON, Bell Tower Theater, “Free Summer Musical Program: High School Edition”

    BRETT ROBBINS, Better Together Dubuque, “Identity Rainbow” 

    MICHELE CHILOOK, Emergence of Spirit Style Show, “Emergence of Spirit: Man & Machine”

    IAN LOAR, Dubuque County Fine Arts Society,“Nash Gallery Emerging Artists’ Fall Exhibition and Opening”

    NACOLE MEYERMILLER, Senju Youth Productions,“Production of Judith Martin’s Play, Jumping Beans” 

    DOWNLOAD PROPOSALS HERE!  Ag Sept Packet 2012
Creative Juice:
  • AG June winner Ken Bichell will give an update on his kiln project.
  • AG June Runner Up will update on the #dbqletterpress free postcard series
  • Luxe Photography will make you look your best!
  • Your hosts: Megan Starr & Paula Neuhaus

What's New?
  •  Are you registered to Vote? You can Register to vote for local & national elections during our event!
  • The Art Gumbo Bowls have arrived! Huzzah! Last fall, through a Mediacom Arts & Culture Grant, we commissioned potters from Twenty Dirty Hands to create AG Bowls for you to purchase & bring with you to each dinner. 6 Potters in various designs are available. Bring your cash or checks ($15 per bowl). What will you name yours?
Bowls by Chris Lemmon, Adrienne Seagraves, Stephanie O'Shaugnessey, Joe Pinder, Larry Priske, Paul Eschelman, Kent Henderson, and Gary Carstens.
FYI: Since our launch in September 2010 AG has funded 12 projects raising a total of $6,170 for Dubuque art projects! 

See you Thursday, Sept 20!